February 2nd is Candlemas Day.This ancient festival marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox. It was the day of the year when all the candles that were used in the church during the coming year were brought into church and a blessing was said over them- so it was the Festival Day (´or mass`) of the Candles.
Candlemas Superstitions
Predicting the weather
Candlemas is around the time that bears emerged from winter hibernation to inspect the weather as well as wolves, who if they chose to return to their lairs on this day was interpreted as meaning severe weather would continue for another forty days at least. In the United States and Canada, Candlemas evolved into Groundhog Day celebrated on the same date.
An ancient Scottish rhyme tells us:
If Candlemass day be dry and fair,
The half o' winter to come and mair
If Candlemass day be wet and foul.
The half o' winter gane at Yule.
This means that if it is nice on Candlemas Day you can expect six more weeks of yucky, winter weather, if it isn't nice on Candlemas Day, the weather should get nicer.
Bad Luck
Sailors are often reluctant to set sail on Candlemas Day, believing that any voyage begun then will end in disaster — given the frequency of severe storms in February, this is not entirely without sense.
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